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Traffic, Transportation and Logistics

Prof. Dr. M. Grazia Speranza (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)


We solicit original contributions on phenomena associated with all modes of transportation, present and prospective, including  planning, design, economic and operational aspects. We are interested to fundamental theories, coupled with observational and experimental studies of transportation and logistics phenomena and processes, mathematical models, advanced methodologies and novel applications in transportation and logistics systems analysis, planning and design. We intend to cover a broad range of topics that include vehicular and human traffic flow theories, models and their application to traffic operations and management, strategic, tactical and operational planning of transportation and logistics systems; performance analysis methods and system design and optimization; theories and analysis methods for network and spatial activity interaction, economics of transportation system supply and evaluation; methodologies for analysis of transportation user behaviour and the demand for transportation and logistics services. Contributions to new ideas and challenging topics, such as for example optimization-based integrated planning, real time problems, optimization for recovery and disruption handling, are most welcome.


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